Refund And Returns Policy

We want every client to be delighted with whatever they buy. We provide a refund or exchange if you’re not happy with your purchase, as long as you follow our refund policy’s guidelines.

Qualification for a Refund:

You must fulfill the following requirements to qualify for a refund:

  1. AWS credits are what you bought from
  2. There has been no usage of the credits.
  3. If, within 30 days of the purchase date, you seek a refund.

Steps for Refunds:

Please email to our customer support staff to seek a refund. After reviewing your request, we will complete the refund in 3-5 business days if it is granted. Refunds will be made using the original form of payment.

to give to you later, we will send a refund to the gift giver and they will find out about your return.

Please email to our customer support staff if you would like to exchange your purchase for a different item or service. We’ll collaborate with you to choose a worthy substitute.


For unused or acquired credits from other sources, we do not provide swaps or refunds.

Modifications to Refund Policy:

We maintain the right to modify our refunding guidelines at any moment. Any updates will be communicated to you by publishing the updated policy on our website. To keep up to date on our return and refund policies, we advise you to frequently examine our refund policy.

Need help?

Contact us at for questions related to refunds and returns.